The Technical Foundations of IoTThis comprehensive new resource presents a technical introduction to the components, architecture, software, and protocols of IoT. This book is especially catered to those who are interested in researching, developing, and building IoT. The book covers the physics of electricity and electromagnetism laying the foundation for understanding the components of modern electronics and computing. Readers learn about the fundamental properties of matter along with security and privacy issues related to IoT.
From the launch of the internet from ARPAnet in the 1960s to recent connected gadgets, this book highlights the integration of IoT in various verticals such as industry, smart cities, connected vehicles, and smart and assisted living. The overall design patterns, issues with UX and UI, and different network topologies related to architectures of M2M and IoT solutions are explored. Product development, power options for IoT devices, including battery chemistry, actuators from simple buzzers to complex stepper motors, and sensors from gyroscopes to the electrical sensing of organic compounds are covered. Hardware development, sensors, and embedded systems are discussed in detail. This book offers insight into the software components that impinge on IoT solutions, development, network protocols, backend software, data analytics and conceptual interoperability. ISBN: 9781630812515, 163081251X