The Guide to Oilwell Fishing Operations: Tools, Techniques, and Rules of ThumbUnpredictable, unwanted, and costly, oil and gas well fishing is not a typical practice for drilling, workover and completion projects, but roughly one in every five wells experience this intervention. To stay on top, The Guide to Oilwell Fishing Operations, Second Edition will keep fishing tool product managers, drilling managers and all other well intervention specialists keyed in to all the latest tools, techniques and rules of thumb critical to conventional and complex wellbore projects, such as extended reach horizontal wells, thru-tubing, and coiled tubing operations. Strengthened with updated material and a new chapter on wellbore cleaning, The Guide to Oilwell Fishing Operations, Second Edition ensures that the life of the well will be saved no matter the unforeseen circumstances. Crucial aspects include: Enhancements with updated equipment, technology, and a new chapter on wellbore cleaning methodsAdditional input from worldwide service companies, providing a more comprehensive balance Remains the only all-inclusive guide exclusively devoted to fishing tools, techniques, and rules of thumb
Remodeled with latest jars on the market, catch tools, and retrieving stuck packers with cutting technologyImproved with information on methods such as sidetracking and plug-and-abandon operationsModernized with approaches and tactics on more advanced well projects such as high-angle deviated and horizontal wells and expandable casing technology to repair casing failure and leaks. ISBN: 9780124200043, 0124200044