Technical Communication (Pearson+)Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom.For courses in technical or business communication and professional writing. Complete instruction to prepare for success in technical communication today Technical Communication prepares students to write persuasively and effectively with a global perspective for today’s workplace. The text covers the interpersonal, ethical and cultural demands of communication in multiple professional formats and develops the skills to navigate these concerns. The 16th Edition emphasizes real-world applications of the latest innovations for a digitally savvy workforce. Coverage includes Guidelines for Identifying Misinformation, effective, legally sound use of social media, and AI in the writing process. ISBN: 9780138273392, 0138273391
Technical Communication (Pearson+) 16th Edition Ebook (
John Lannon;Laura Gurak
Category: 2023